if you have been following recent news in the world of vdi and vmware, they recently annouced the release of a linux vmware view 5 client that supports pcoip and that it was available for ubuntu. i was able to find the i386 deb package and it installed without a problem on debian squeeze i386 but i couldn’t find an amd64 package anywhere. not wanting to wait until they eventually released one, i went ahead and repackaged the i386 deb for amd64. it works for both ubuntu and debian from my testing.

you can download both the i386 and amd64 deb files here:

vmware-view-client 1.3.0

i386 | amd64

vmware-view-client 1.4.0

i386 | amd64 (ubuntu and debian wheezy/sid) | amd64 (debian squeeze)

if you have any problems, leave me a note in the comments and i’ll get back to you as quickly as i can.

*edit: it has been pointed out that the amd64 version wasn’t working properly on ubuntu. give this version a try (link has been updated above).