installing smoothwall 3.0 on a soekris engineering net4801 (part 2)

continued from part 1 yesterday i received my soekris engineering net4801-60 in the mail. the unit seems to be in good condition and even came with a compactflash card and vpn1411 card which i won’t end up using. i will most likely end up selling the vpn card as i don’t use my smoothwall to create a vpn and the smoothwall os does not have support built into the kernel for a vpn card such as this anyway....

February 12, 2010 · 4 min · mbentley

installing smoothwall 3.0 on a soekris engineering net4801 (part 1)

even though all of my parts have not arrived for my new smoothwall project, i can begin to do some initial setup. first of all, here are all of the items of which i needed to find for the project: soekris engineering net4801-60 soekris engineering 2.5" hdd mounting kit soekris engineering power supply 2.5" ide hard drive 10 foot serial null modem cable since i already have the hard drive, i can do some of the prep work by installing smoothwall....

February 7, 2010 · 3 min · mbentley

optimizing vmware server 2.0 on a linux host

like many people, i like to tinker with all sorts of different technology including multiple operating systems as well as the different roles they can play. one of the best ways that i can do that is by using a virtualization product. i just happen to use vmware server 2.0 on my debian lenny server. vmware is one of the leaders in virtualization (if not the leader). at home, i have five virtual machines that i rely on heavily for my day-to-day operations....

February 5, 2010 · 3 min · mbentley

building a more efficient smoothwall

i’ve decided to look more into power efficiency of my computers at home. while my power bill isn’t horrible, it could most definitely be lower. there are only a few computers that i leave running 24/7. one of them is my smoothwall. while i built that computer with power efficiency in mind, i didn’t take things to the extreme that i could have. now i want to build a solution that is closer in power consumption to your typical home router appliance....

February 4, 2010 · 2 min · mbentley

so i’m starting a blog… yikes!

i never thought this day would come. i’m actually going to start a blog. what it is going to be about, i have no clue. it’ll probably be more random than lady gaga’s clothing but this could be an interesting learning experience.

February 4, 2010 · 1 min · mbentley