it is amazing what you will find when cleaning…
this really isn’t much of a howto or anything, but it really amazes me what sorts of stuff i will find when cleaning out my computer closet. i decided to reorganize things so it didn’t look like a total jumbled mess since i have a few extra computer cases and boxes of random parts. while moving the cases around, i found nearly two whole computers. they aren’t anything to get excited about (amd duron 1600 and an intel celeron d 2.66) but i totally forgot that i had them! usually i pull all extra parts before tossing things in the closet but it would appear that these were forgotten at some point. i have no clue what i might do with them as i need a bit of ddr to make them actually useful and i don’t really have much of a need for more computers. i guess it is time to think of a new project to make use of an old computer besides a firewall or nas… ...