vmware-view-client 1.6.0 for ubuntu, mint and debian (i386/amd64)

it looks like vmware-view-client has a new version available (version 1.6.0). i went forward with creating these but i haven’t had any time to test a whole lot (i’ve only tested with debian squeeze) so if anyone wants to try them out and report back to me, that would be greatly appreciated. vmware-view-client 1.6.0 - debian squeeze, ubuntu 10.04 and mint 9 i386 | amd64 vmware-view-client 1.6.0 - debian sid, ubuntu 12.10 and mint 14 i386 | amd64 ...

November 29, 2012 · 1 min · mbentley

vmware-view-client 1.5.0 for ubuntu and debian (i386/amd64)

a coworker informed me of a new version of the vmware-view-client that was released (version 1.5.0). i went ahead and created a new amd64 deb file and it looks like this time, there are not any dependency issues! download away and let me know if you run into any issues. i have tested on debian 6 (squeeze; amd64) and ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric ocelot; amd64). vmware-view-client 1.5.0 i386 | amd64 as always, i will try to answer any comments as soon as i can. ...

June 14, 2012 · 1 min · mbentley

vmware-view-client 1.4.0 for ubuntu and debian (i386/amd64)

an added dependency for the vmware-view-client package is preventing installation on debian squeeze (stable) for the latest vmware-view-client 1.4.0 pacakge. trying to install that single dependency results in a majority of the gui being upgraded as well and there isn’t a backports package available for it. i’m still working to see if i can get it working but for now (see the edit below), the packages are available for ubuntu and debian wheezy on i386 and amd64. They have been added to the previous post if you would like to give them a try: ...

April 8, 2012 · 1 min · mbentley

linux vmware view 5 client debs for i386 & amd64 (ubuntu and debian)

if you have been following recent news in the world of vdi and vmware, they recently annouced the release of a linux vmware view 5 client that supports pcoip and that it was available for ubuntu. i was able to find the i386 deb package and it installed without a problem on debian squeeze i386 but i couldn’t find an amd64 package anywhere. not wanting to wait until they eventually released one, i went ahead and repackaged the i386 deb for amd64. it works for both ubuntu and debian from my testing. ...

February 9, 2012 · 1 min · mbentley

getting loopback to work on newer builds of dd-wrt

i’ve come across this problem a number of times when looking at newer firmware for my router running dd-wrt. the upgrade works flawlessly but loopback doesn’t work. i finally decided to see if there was a solution out there and lucky for me, there is. a google search brought me to this bug report. there is also a dd-wrt forum topic on this as well but the solution is pretty simple. just in case the bug report and forum post both disappear, here is the solution: ...

August 10, 2011 · 1 min · mbentley

upgrading to adobe flash player (64 bit) on debian

as i mentioned in my previous blog article, adobe temporarily pulled 64 bit support for the 64 bit plugin. a few days ago (september 15) they released preview 1 of flash player 10.2. if you have followed the instructions in my previous article, upgrading is quite simple. if not, don’t worry, there are only a few extra steps! please remember that this is a beta version so it may not be 100% stable. the method i am using will add a new option to update-alternatives which will allow you to switch between a stable and testing plugin of flash player. this makes it quite simple to change between versions. ...

September 17, 2010 · 3 min · mbentley

installing adobe flash player 64 bit on debian

somewhat recently, adobe has pulled all support for 64 bit flash player on linux. debian has also remove the support from it’s non-free archives so the flashplugin-nonfree package no longer works properly. i find that gnash and swfdec are pretty lacking and are not compatible with all websites which is a major problem for me. after searching online, i found a 64 bit copy of libflashplayer.so and wanted to install it the debian way using update-alternatives. here are the steps to install it properly: ...

July 14, 2010 · 2 min · mbentley

stabilizing a firefox proxy through a putty ssh tunnel

when i am at work, i use a ssh tunnel when i need to bypass the proxy server. this works great except for when i visit certain sites with a large number of big images. one site would be boston.com - the big picture. it has a large number of high quality images and the ssh tunnel just doesn’t seem to be able to handle the traffic. when the number of http requests overloads the ssh tunnel and then i get the message ’network error: software caused connection abort’ as seen below. ...

March 16, 2010 · 2 min · mbentley

creating an icon file (.ico) with photoshop

with this post, i am going to be keeping things pretty simple. i was recently asked why i didn’t have a favicon setup for my blog and website, i figured now is just as good of a time as any to create one. i just wanted something extremely simple. figured just my initials would work for the time being. now that i figured what i actually wanted, i then had to create it. so i loaded up photoshop and made my 16×16 favicon and went to save it and realized that photoshop (at least the version i have, 7.0) does not have .ico file support. a quick google search led me to the web site of Telegraphics. on the site, they have a plugin that works with photoshop to add .ico support. installation was more than simple (just check out the included readme if you really can’t figure it out). all i had to do was use the ‘save as’ function to save it as an .ico file. then i just uploaded my new ‘favicon.ico’ to the root directory of my blog and voila, i now have a favicon. ...

March 4, 2010 · 1 min · mbentley